Which Of The Following Technologies Is The Default RPA Option For Capgemini Intelligent?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is revolutionizing process optimization and automation in an unprecedented way. Unlike previous technologies that were limited to specific systems, RPA can automate processes across multiple applications.

With this expanded capability comes increased responsibility for institutionalizing RPA success. As Spiderman says, “with great power comes great responsibility.”

What are the anticipated outcomes of an RPA project?

An RPA project delivers more than just empty offices with robots working at light speed. While increased efficiency is a goal, the outcomes are more nuanced. RPA initiatives generally take one of two approaches:

1. Starting robot development first, with governance established later (bottom-up)

2. Establishing governance first, then developing robots (top-down)

There are compelling reasons to build a strong RPA Operating Model before launching large-scale robot development. The Operating Model lays the groundwork for successfully leveraging RPA’s capabilities.

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What are the components included in an Operating Model for RPA?

What are the components included in an Operating Model for RPA

In short, the RPA Operating Model is like a blueprint that outlines how your organization will structure its RPA operations. You might call this a Center of Excellence or Center of Expertise. When designing the Operating Model, consider these 5 key aspects:

1. Will RPA be centralized in an expert team or decentralized across the organization? Will the RPA team be closely tied to the business side or IT side?

2. What are the main roles and responsibilities for RPA (e.g. Business Analyst, RPA Designer, RPA Controller)?

3. What approval processes and quality control checkpoints are needed?

4. How will the RPA solution integrate with your current IT systems and landscape?

5. How can you standardize RPA demand and structure the project pipeline? What processes are required to efficiently develop, execute and maintain robots?

6. How will you communicate changes and potentially set up training for employees?

This list doesn’t cover everything needed for an RPA Operating Model. But focusing on these key dimensions will help design a solid blueprint tailored to your organization’s needs and structure.

What is the importance of having an Operating Model for long-term success?

An Operating Model is crucial for lasting success when offering RPA Services because it is similar to operating a small Shared Service Center (SSC). Management can only control and guide its RPA Center of Excellence (CoE) if roles, procedures, and frameworks are precisely defined. Management can only comprehend true costs and benefits if key performance indicators (KPIs) rooted in development principles are measured during robot execution and reported back methodically.

Knowing what drives expenses and advantages enables properly modifying organizational processes. In short, clearly delineating responsibilities, workflows, guidelines, metrics, and reporting allows oversight of the RPA CoE like running a small SSC for sustainable achievement.

What are the consequences of not having a specified Operating Model?

Companies that launch RPA programs without establishing a clear operating model typically struggle to achieve long-term success. Though initial bot development may seem to go smoothly, underlying issues often emerge over time. Processes chosen for automation sometimes prove unsuitable, leading to low robot utilization rates.

Maintenance can also become problematic since bot code reflects programmers’ disparate styles rather than standardized approaches. By the time these deficiencies surface, it is difficult to remedy oversights in the original RPA design. In summary, lacking a well-defined operating model makes it hard for firms to sustain effective RPA initiatives.

What is the best way to begin creating an Operating Model for RPA?

Naturally, the design and extent of an OM should closely align with the size of the RPA solution. A solo RPA practitioner requires less governance than an international, cross-organizational team with various stakeholders.

However, having core tenets for the OM supporting an RPA solution is crucial for scalability and sustained triumph in any RPA initiative. Most importantly, ensure the RPA OM aligns with your organization’s overarching strategy for business, services, and IT.

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What obstacles do you face in your role as a CIO/CTO/CDO/CXO?

The path to accomplishing your goals as a CIO/CTO/CDO/CXO can be bumpy:

  • Do you lack transparency into business processes and supporting IT infrastructure?
  • Is automation limited or decentralized?
  • Are you missing a way to expand automation reach?
  • Do you struggle with governing automation and demonstrating ROI?
  • Is it difficult to manage your automation initiatives?

At Capgemini, we constantly improve and evolve our technologies to enable digital change in today’s hybrid work and data-driven business world. Our aim is to empower organizations to achieve business value and ROI through intensified digital tech advancements that help them accomplish more. We do this together with Capgemini’s Intelligent Automation Platform.

What is Capgemini’s Intelligent Automation Platform?

Clients are increasingly looking to Intelligent Service Engagements within their business and IT to enhance customer experience, increase efficiency by augmenting human capabilities, and enable scalability. This is where we come into the picture.

Capgemini’s Intelligent Automation Platform is an insight-driven, ready-to-use, plug-and-play platform that allows effective IT, application services, and business operations delivery to unlock the full potential of intelligent automation. It enables businesses to maximize value across their entire operations seamlessly and at scale.

Built on cutting-edge open-source technology, the platform captures events generated by operational systems. It then synthesizes these events into business-relevant insights by providing an intuitive view that delivers real-time health status of the client’s business operations.

The platform collects business information to help with making proactive improvements to processes. It also guarantees the smart combination of business and application services, utilizing industry-specific and back-office use cases focused on taking action to provide more value for companies.

Why Choose Capgemini’s Smart Automation Platform

Business success and IT productivity – brought together.

Capgemini’s Smart Automation Platform allows superior operations that boost speed of outcomes and cost savings to advance your digital plans. It also matches your business aims and market movements – giving you useful understandings derived from the knowledge of driving intelligent automation programs for over 600 customers worldwide, and is backed by more than 30,000 automation experts and specialists.

5 Reasons to select Capgemini’s Intelligent Automation Platform

5 reasons to select Capgemini's Intelligent Automation Platform

Aligned with your business: Our library of industry-specific automation use cases allows solutions tailored to the distinct needs of various industry sectors.

Innovation included: Combine the best of Capgemini and external solutions to drive your innovation.

Data-driven insights: The platform’s intelligence stems from its underlying data architecture. The detailed non-personal data amassed within powers key intelligent capabilities.

Digitally prepared: The platform provides an integrated built-in engine that serves Capgemini’s full range of services – going beyond radical process enhancements to innovate and boost revenue to drive business and IT excellence.

Industrialized implementation: Powered by the cloud, our AI-enhanced, real-world platform takes your enterprise from limited deployments to enterprise-wide intelligent automation.

Speeding up the transition to working remotely

The first six months of 2020 emphasized the tremendous benefit of having the agility to rapidly transition to and function in a fully remote working environment. For many companies, the pandemic necessitated an abrupt shift to entirely remote work models.

This reinvention of where and how we get work done has demanded robust leadership as organizations now contemplate lessons acquired, re-evaluate autonomous working models to meet changed employee and business needs, and motivate employees to actively help shape the future. This last point is critical.

Employee engagement is a vital element for success in transforming your corporate culture. Research by Gallup shows that engaged workers boost productivity by 21% when it comes to transformation efforts.

The importance of autonomous working and digital leadership cannot be overstated

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted a major shift towards remote working that has revealed its potential benefits for employers and employees. With many jobs allowing remote work, organizations and staff alike have experienced savings, greater satisfaction, and improved productivity.

Research indicates the scale of potential savings from increased remote work:

  • U.S. businesses could save over $700 billion per year if 79% of employees with remote-capable jobs worked from home half the time, per Global Workplace Analytics. The savings are significant for large companies – AT&T saved $30 million annually in real estate through its telework program.
  • In a UK survey, 95% of 1,100 employees reported benefiting from remote working’s flexibility and time/money savings on transport, meals, and childcare. Over 50% hope to continue a more flexible model going forward.
  • 74% of CEOs plan to shift at least 5% of their workforce into permanent remote positions, per a Gartner survey. Facebook announced up to half its workforce could be remote in the next 5-10 years.

The pandemic-prompted shift has revealed the potential of remote work to generate savings, satisfaction, and productivity. Research shows significant possible savings, and many employees and employers now hope to continue flexible remote working models post-pandemic.

Read Also: What Is The Benefit Of Implementing A Transformation Cloud That Is Based On Open Infrastructure?

Three Key Areas for Facilitating Successful Cultural Transformation Towards Hybrid Work Models

As remote and hybrid work becomes more prevalent, business and IT leaders need to focus on three aspects to ensure a smooth cultural transition: motivation and engagement of employees, cohesion and alignment within teams, and mental wellbeing and social connections.

To keep employees motivated and engaged, leaders should empower staff with autonomy and trust, regardless of work location. They should act as facilitators rather than supervisors, enabling innovation and ideas.

For team cohesion and alignment, transparent communication of strategy and vision is essential, alongside increased contact points to replace informal in-office interactions. Digital tools for collaboration should be provided, with leaders role-modeling their use.

Finally, leaders need empathy to understand individuals’ situations, balancing workloads and monitoring wellbeing. Social interactions should be encouraged through virtual or occasional in-person activities. Hybrid models with some shared in-office days can also help maintain connections.

The key is shifting the culture to focus on performance and results rather than physical presence. With trust, autonomy, transparent communication, empathy and social interaction, leaders can enable successful transformation.

Enhancing your leadership skills for self-managing teams

Developing leadership capabilities for self-directed teams in virtual or hybrid work settings requires organizations to cultivate digitally adept managers. At Capgemini Invent, we have supported many companies in building digital leadership talents and virtual competencies among their leaders.

For instance, we assisted Siemens’ Supply Chain Management division in creating a Learning Path for Digital Leaders. Following this, Siemens rolled out a #Digital Leaders training program across the entire company.

When companies give their staff flexibility to work independently using digital tools, without time or location constraints, they are enabling autonomous working. Successfully leading distributed, autonomous teams can unlock gains in productivity, cost savings, and employee satisfaction as companies Reinvent Work.

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