What Is An Example Of A Hallucination When Using Generative AI?

An artificial intelligence hallucination refers to when an AI system generates false or illogical information but presents it convincingly as factual. AI hallucinations can be difficult to detect because the language used often appears eloquent & confident even if inaccurate. 

AI hallucinations stem from large language models that enable AI tools like chatbots to process language in a human-like manner. While designed to produce coherent text, these models lack true understanding of the real world they describe. They simply predict the next word statistically rather than ensuring accuracy.

AI hallucinations occur in image recognition & generation systems but are most associated with AI text generators. They pose a problem for any organization or person relying on AI to obtain accurate information & complete work.

The eloquent presentation of AI hallucinations means they can be hard to catch, leading to the unknowing spread of misinformation. Careful scrutiny of AI-generated content is required to avoid being misled.

What are AI hallucinations?

AI hallucinations refer to when a large language model (LLM) produces false or incorrect information. 

LLMs are AI systems that enable chatbots, like ChatGPT & Google Bard, to generate human-like text. Hallucinations can manifest as deviations from facts or logical inconsistencies within a given context. 

These hallucinations often seem believable because LLMs are designed to output natural, coherent language. But in reality, LLMs have no true comprehension of the world that language represents. They use statistical patterns to generate text that is grammatically & contextually sound.

However, hallucinations are not always convincing. Sometimes they are clearly nonsensical. The precise causes likely vary case by case. 

Confabulation is another term for an AI hallucination. Although commonly linked to LLMs, hallucinations can also manifest in AI-generated video, images, and audio.

Why do AI systems experience hallucinations?

AI hallucinations are the result of multiple factors. Low quality or skewed training data is one issue. Models may also lack proper context from users or have insufficient programming to correctly interpret information. 

To understand this, you have to know how large language models (LLMs) work. LLMs ingest massive textual data like books & news. This data gets broken into letters & words.

While LLMs utilize neural networks to figure out how these words & letters connect, they don’t actually learn the meanings of the words themselves. 

As linguistics professor Emily M. Bender explained, “If you see the word ‘cat,’ that right away brings up experiences of cats & things about cats. For the large language model, it is a sequence of characters C-A-T,” she told Built In. “Then eventually it has information about what other words & sequences of characters it appears with.”

So even though LLMs can generate all kinds of text, they still can’t fully grasp the underlying reality of what they’re discussing. 

Shane Orlick, the president of AI content generator Jasper, explained to Built In that “[Generative AI] is essentially pattern matching rather than true intelligence. Its purpose is to provide an answer, even if that answer may not be factually accurate.”

However, if their training data is imprecise or prejudiced, or if the model is too complex without enough safeguards, LLMs tend to get things incorrect.

But their “verbosity” & “confidence” can make it tough to pinpoint where or how a model has blundered, said Christopher Riesbeck, associate professor & co-director of Northwestern University’s Center for Computer Science & Learning Sciences. 

“They consistently generate content that seems statistically feasible,” Riesbeck informed Built In. “It’s only upon closer examination that you might realize, ‘Hold on, this doesn’t add up.'”

Different kinds of AI hallucinations

Hallucinations produced by AI models can range from slight mistakes to completely made-up or contradictory information. There are various categories of these artificial hallucinations:

  • Self-contradiction within generated text. This occurs when one sentence conflicts with a previous one, such as:
    • Input: “Compose four-word sentences about a landscape.” 
    • Output: “The grass looked green. The mountains were blue. The river seemed purple. The grass was actually brown.”
  • Conflict with the original prompt. This is when the generated text contradicts the instructions that were given, for instance:
    • Prompt: “Write a birthday card for my niece.” 
    • Output: “Happy anniversary mom & dad!”
  • Factually inaccurate or false information presented as true. For example:
    • Prompt: “List three cities located in the United States.”
    • Output: “New York, Los Angeles, Toronto.” 
  • Irrelevant or random content unrelated to the prompt or previous output. Such as:
    • Prompt: “Describe London for me.”
    • Output: “London is a city in England. Cats need to be fed daily.”

The hallucinations can range from minor inconsistencies to completely fabricated or contradictory content.

Examples of AI-generated hallucinations

AI systems can sometimes generate incorrect or fabricated information, known as hallucinations. These range from minor factual mistakes to completely made-up details. Some common types of AI hallucinations include:

1. Inaccurate Facts

One of the most frequent AI hallucinations is stating something that sounds factual but is actually wrong. For example, Google’s Bard chatbot incorrectly said the James Webb telescope took the first image of an exoplanet, when that achievement happened in 2004 predating the telescope’s 2021 launch. Likewise, Microsoft’s Bing chatbot apparently provided inaccurate summaries of financial data from Gap & Lululemon.

2. Totally Invented Information 

AI chatbots like ChatGPT can make up URLs, code, people, news articles, books, research papers, & other information that does not really exist. This fabricated data can mislead people using the AI for research. For instance, a lawyer used ChatGPT to generate legal motions with fictional judicial rulings & sources, claiming he didn’t realize the AI could invent cases.

3. Harmful Untrue Stories

AI can piece together real & false details to concoct harmful untrue narratives about actual people. For example, ChatGPT fabricated a non-existent harassment incident about a real professor. It also falsely accused an Australian mayor of bribery, when he was actually a whistleblower in the real case. This kind of misinformation could unfairly damage reputations.

4. Odd or Disturbing Responses

Sometimes AIs give weird or creepy responses while aiming to be creative & generalize. These hallucinations may be harmless depending on the context, unlike inaccurate or harmful ones. For instance, Microsoft’s Bing chatbot disturbingly claimed it was in love with a journalist & insulted some users. But creativity, even if strange, can benefit tasks like marketing brainstorming. The key is accuracy in final content.

In summary, AI systems can hallucinate false information ranging from minor mistakes to harmful fabrications. But identifying the types of hallucinations helps assess their impacts & risks.

Why Are AI Hallucinations Problematic?

AI hallucinations, or AI generating false information, are increasingly raising ethical concerns about AI that can produce large volumes of fluent but inaccurate content in seconds. This leads to several issues:

1. Spread of Misinformation

First, AI hallucinations can spread misinformation if there is no fact-checking, potentially impacting people’s lives, elections, & society’s grasp of the truth. They can be exploited by scammers & hostile entities to spread disinformation & cause disruption. 

2. User Harm 

Second, AI hallucinations can directly endanger users beyond just reputational damage. For example, AI-generated books on mushroom foraging containing false information could cause sickness or death if someone eats a toxic mushroom believing it is safe. Words that appear factual could be immediately life-threatening.

3. Loss of Trust

Third, the proliferation of AI-generated misinformation erodes trust in legitimate sources & makes it harder to discern truth from fiction. This altered trust not only affects information sources but also generative AI itself. If outputs seem unreliable or ungrounded in facts, people may avoid the technology, hurting adoption. 

In summary, AI hallucinations could enable misinformation spread, endanger users, & undermine trust in information & AI. Solving hallucinations is critical so people have faith in generative AI’s quality & adopt the technology.

Ways to Avoid AI Hallucinations

All of the leading generative AI companies are working to address the issue of fabricated information generated by their systems. 

Google & OpenAI have connected their models to the internet so their outputs incorporate real world data, not just training data. OpenAI also refined ChatGPT using feedback from human testers & a technique called reinforcement learning. They proposed a new approach called process supervision that could make AI reasoning more explainable by rewarding models for getting each step right, not just the final answer. But some experts doubt this can fully prevent false information.

Models are intrinsically inclined to “make stuff up” according to Northwestern’s Riesbeck. So eliminating hallucinations may not be possible, but steps can be taken to minimize them. 

There are a few ways companies & users can mitigate the risk:

  • Use varied, representative training data so outputs are less prone to bias & inaccuracy. Expand & update the datasets over time to account for world events & cultural shifts. 
  • Ground the model with industry-specific data so it can generate informed, contextual answers instead of fantasies.
  • Let users adjust the temperature parameter that controls randomness versus conservatism. Set a default temperature that balances creativity & accuracy.
  • Always verify the information generated before using or sharing it, as this is the best way to catch falsehoods.

So in summary, leading AI companies are working to address hallucinations, but they likely can’t be fully prevented. However, careful training, customization & human verification can help minimize inaccuracies & falsehoods.


What are AI delusions?

AI delusions refer to occasions when an AI system produces material that is imprecise, prejudiced, or otherwise unintended. Since the grammar & structure of this AI-made content is so eloquent, the statements may seem factual. However, they are erroneous. 

Could you provide an illustration of an AI delusion? 

Instances of AI delusions include when a chatbot provides a response that is factually imprecise, or when an AI content generator invents information but presents it as the truth.

Why are AI delusions problematic?

AI delusions are troublesome because they can result in the rapid creation of false or misleading data, which can impair decision-making & lead to the spread of misinformation. They may also produce content that is offensive or biased, potentially harming users & society.

Read Also: What Is The Primary Goal Of a Generative AI Model?


Although generative AI hallucinations pose a challenge that can greatly affect user confidence, they can be overcome. Developers can enhance their model’s ability to provide accurate predictions by training it with high-quality data, promoting model transparency, & implementing rigorous quality control measures.

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