Chatgpt, Google Bard, And Anthropic Claude Are Examples Of Which Type Of Generative AI Model?

In late 2023, ChatGPT burst onto the scene as the most advanced publicly available chatbot powered by generative artificial intelligence (AI). In 2024, prominent technology corporations such as Google and emerging companies like Anthropic and Perplexity are launching their own AI models to rival and potentially outperform ChatGPT.

This article compares the top generative AI tools in terms of features, capabilities, advantages, disadvantages, accuracy, output quality, and ideal use cases. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each AI can help individuals and businesses select the optimal tool for their needs.

Whether you need AI for content creation, programming, or intelligent conversation, this guide will highlight how each model excels at specific tasks. By the end, you’ll grasp the key pros and cons of each AI and which one fits your requirements best. The goal is to empower you to choose the right generative AI to match your exact needs.

OpenAI ChatGPT: Leading the Way in Generative AI

ChatGPT, the flagship product of research company OpenAI, took the world by storm in late 2023 with its remarkable human-like conversational skills. This artificial intelligence chatbot astounded people through its ability to generate sophisticated responses, powered by Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) models.

These natural language processing architectures are trained on massive datasets of online text and dialogues, allowing ChatGPT to engage in coherent, on-topic conversations. It can ask clarifying questions, logically build on earlier points, and overall exhibit impressively natural dialogue abilities.

ChatGPT runs on models like GPT-3.5, GPT-3.5 Turbo, and GPT-4, with up to 1.5 billion parameters and 570 GB of training data. The token limit reaches 4,096 for GPT-3.5 and up to 32,000 for GPT-4. APIs are available, making ChatGPT cross-platform on web, iOS, and Android.

The free version uses GPT-3.5, while the paid ChatGPT Plus subscription unlocks GPT-3.5 Turbo, GPT-4, plugins, and internet access for $20 monthly. Over 900 plugins provide customization, like the Code Interpreter to handle programming prompts. The latest GPT-4V upgrade even enables ChatGPT to process images, audio, and video alongside text.

ChatGPT’s conversational strengths allow smooth back-and-forth exchanges on prompt topics. It can generate natural language content like articles, lyrics, emails, and more. Accurately answering general knowledge questions, translating between languages, performing calculations, and summarizing text are also key advantages. With creative prompts, it can output unique poems, jokes, song lyrics, and stories in specified styles.

Disadvantages are its lack of persistent memory between exchanges, potential factual inaccuracies without internet access, limited knowledge after September 2021, and separate developer billing. While currently the most advanced public generative AI, competition is rapidly emerging to address such limitations. The question remains how long ChatGPT can maintain its lead as the premier generative chatbot.

Google Bard: A New Rival to ChatGPT

google bard vs chatgpt

In February 2023, Google unveiled its own AI chatbot called Bard to compete with the popular ChatGPT.

Bard was initially trained using Google’s Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA), but recently Google started using Pathways Language Model 2 (PaLM 2) to enhance Bard’s capabilities for more advanced performance.

Key Details

– AI Model: PaLM-2

– Model Size: 137 billion parameters

– Training Data: 750 GB of text and code

– Token Limit: 4,000 tokens

– API: Available at

– Cross-Platform: Web, iOS, Android

– Price: Free

Special Features

– Integrates with Google products like Search, Gmail, Docs, Maps, etc.

– Google Search enables fact checking of responses.

– Generates three formats for each response.


– Real-time info from the internet

– Google Search allows fact checking

– More realistic responses

– Works across 7 Google products

– Text, voice, image inputs in one prompt


– Fact checking not on by default

– Less refined than ChatGPT

– Fewer plugins than ChatGPT

– No persistent memory

In summary, as Google keeps testing Bard in 2023 and beyond, it will likely become a strong competitor to ChatGPT in the emerging AI chatbot industry. Put simply, Bard poses a serious challenge to ChatGPT’s current dominance.

Anthropic Claude 2: Claims to have a context window of 100k

Anthropic’s new AI assistant Claude 2 impresses with its massive model size and context window. The startup Anthropic has quietly developed an ethical and safe generative AI helper called Claude. Unlike competitors like ChatGPT and Bard, Anthropic takes a different approach focused on safety and ethics with “Constitutional AI”.

Claude 2 boasts an enormous 137 billion parameters and a context window of 100,000 tokens, allowing it to analyze around 175 pages of text. Claude can attach files, carry on long conversations, and excel in advanced reasoning. Anthropic trained Claude on selected data to reduce biases and make it helpful, harmless, and honest.

However, Claude has usage limits, lacks real-time internet access, and minimal interface options beyond typing. The free version is restricted while Claude Pro costs $20/month. But by prioritizing Constitutional AI principles, Anthropic aims to make Claude more trustworthy as it’s adopted globally. Despite limitations, Claude 2 shows promise to surpass other AI.

Contrasting the Precision and Quality of Output

We have now reviewed the core capabilities of ChatGPT, Bard, Claude 2, and Perplexity AI. Let’s compare how they perform when directly tested across various topics.

General Knowledge

For basic factual questions on diverse subjects, ChatGPT’s extensive knowledge delivered the best performance beyond just STEM areas. This provides an advantage for answering trivia, explaining ideas, and conversing naturally.

Claude 2 also gave accurate replies with solid technical understanding, though with less detail and sophistication.

Bard struggled with some queries, showing its constraints accessing broader information despite Google’s knowledge graph. However, Bard’s Google integration could give it an edge soon.

Perplexity AI lacked strong general knowledge outside of scraping the internet for accurate answers from credible sources. In other words, it faltered answering questions when sources did not give a definitive answer.

Writing and Language

For both conversational fluency and long-form writing, ChatGPT is superior. Its eloquent explanations and human-like writing style are unparalleled.

Both Claude 2 and Perplexity AI excelled at composition and grammar corrections by consistently maintaining context and conversational flow.

However, Claude 2 occasionally displayed some language use limitations despite its technical skills.

Bard displayed some clumsy wording while editing text passages.

Explaining Complex Topics

ChatGPT shone by far at breaking down intricate concepts across fields like science, philosophy, and psychology in natural language.

Claude 2 also provided thoughtful explanations but lacked ChatGPT’s conversational eloquence.

Bard and Perplexity AI had a narrower range of abilities when it came to simplifying intricate subjects and directions.

Logical Reasoning

When given deductive reasoning questions, Claude 2 inferenced accurately from the premises provided.

ChatGPT struggled more with pure logic problems detached from real-world contexts.

At times, Bard provided inconsistent or inaccurate conclusions when prompted for reasoning.

Perplexity AI substantially lacks capabilities in this area, but logic exceeds its intended purpose.


For coding challenges, Claude 2 is the clear leader by showcasing the strongest abilities for writing, compiling, translating languages, and debugging code snippets and programs. Its sophisticated logic processing effectively manages intricate reasoning and syntax.

ChatGPT could handle basic coding and fixes but failed on more advanced algorithms.

Both Bard and Perplexity currently do not possess significant coding abilities.

Math and Data

Claude 2 excels in solving complex mathematical word problems and articulating advanced formulas. For data analysis requests, Claude 2 again led by accurately solving complex formulas and analyzing data sets from CSV, PDFs and Word files.

ChatGPT performed reasonably for simpler math but cannot match Claude 2’s mathematical abilities.

Additionally, Bard and Perplexity AI have significant limitations with math and data prompts.

Generating Ideas and Inventiveness

ChatGPT has an exceptional ability for brainstorming and developing imaginative concepts, discovering inventive answers to broad open questions, and distinctive self-articulation. Its ingenuity surpasses simply fetching information.

At present, Claude 2 appears more constrained when presented with open-ended human-like ideation tasks.

Once again, both Bard and Perplexity AI do not yet have the creative capacities to rival ChatGPT in this area for the time being.

Top Applications

ChatGPT vs bard vs Claude 2

The most effective uses of each AI platform:


Quickly generating draft content, sparking creative ideas, etc.

Answering a wide variety of questions conversationally.

Engaging website visitors or event attendees through chatbots.

Assisting with writing essays, articles, code, etc.


Enabling conversational search queries.

Precisely fact checking by accessing search indexes.

On-demand summarization of key web information.

Answering customer service questions with reliable data.

Claude 2

Providing expert-level responses within its specialized area.

Having nuanced discussions around sensitive topics.

Reducing toxic speech and misinformation online.

Creating inclusive content aligned with human values.

The outlook for the future is promising

No one chatbot excels at everything, but the presence of so many options is encouraging. As the competition drives progress, we can expect to see rapid improvements in precision, abilities, and availability. The field of AI chatbots is just starting to take off. These virtual assistants are already becoming essential at jobs, in education, and in daily life.

However, to make the most of them, think about the strengths and restrictions of each tool before conversing. This allows you to more easily find the right tool and get better results. As these groundbreaking technologies keep advancing quickly, the future looks promising for conversational AI.

Read Also: What Is The Primary Advantage Of Using Generative AI In Content Creation?


ChatGPT remains the top conversational AI in terms of versatility, knowledge, eloquence and precision.

Bard is not as competitive currently, but its integration with Google’s vast real-time information and services could become a major asset if implemented well.

Claude 2 excels in technical applications like coding, mathematics, data analysis and logical reasoning, but has limitations in conversational fluidity.

Perplexity AI has a narrow focus on web browsing rather than versatility.

In short, even though generative AI has clearly reached a turning point in capabilities, the accuracy and complexity of these models still falls far short of human-level abilities.

As the results show, there is no clear-cut “best” generative AI currently, as each platform has distinct strengths and weaknesses.

Therefore, it seems that switching between different AI models per use case yields superior results.

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